
Test, predict, and land your pitch with PRophet Earn

Pitch with precision, and secure high-impact bylines with the first predictive and generative AI–powered tool for PR professionals.
See how it works
Earn is the modern marketer’s answer
to outdated media lists and spray-and-pray pitching.

Eliminate the guessing game and find the right journalist for your pitch

Earn scours the internet and surfaces the journalists and publications most likely to cover your news. Gauge the interest journalists will have in your press release—and leverage Earn’s sentiment analysis score to better understand how your news will be received. 

Organize and optimize your pitch workflow

From generating press releases to sending personalized pitches, manage the end-to-end pitching process in one user-friendly platform.

Get your first draft in seconds

Earn’s generative AI content tool produces press releases, pitches, executive biographies, social media posts, and blogs—in a variety of tones and in a matter of seconds. Give Earn a couple of starter sentences on your press opportunity and get your first drafts out of the way.

Earn by the numbers

Over 200,000 opportunities to place your story


active journalists in our database


podcasts and guest opportunities


seconds to generate a pitch
“It's all about arming you with irrefutable data to support your pitch strategy and win.”
Aaron Kwittken, CEO and Founder of Earn
features and benefits

Activate precision pitching

Get contact information for over 200k active journalists 
Review recent bylines and sort journalists by their beat 
Uncover over 1M podcasts and potential guest opportunities
Leverage generative AI to create pitches, press releases, executive bios, blogs, and social media posts 
Measure the average percent interest journalists will have in your news
Access sentiment analysis for your pitch to determine if press will respond in a positive, negative, or neutral way to your news 
Request a demo
Get your head in the Cloud.

Connect with a member of our team to discuss your marketing goals and see how our suite of tools can help you reach them.