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A quick guide to getting started with AI, for marketers
In the heart of today's tech-savvy world, artificial intelligence beats louder than ever.
Experts weigh in on merging AI with your marketing strategy in 2024
Four CEOs and a CTO share their top AI-laced-with-marketing predictions to steer us into 2024.
How two industry execs are approaching responsible AI
Transparency, accuracy, consent, and ownership are just a few key areas where guardrails need to be put in place in order to practice responsible AI.
A CTO on what marketers should know about generative AI
"The first thing we need to understand is that AI is not going to go away. Whatever we are doing with generative AI and large language models is going to continue moving forward."
Mansoor Basha, CTO of Stagwell Marketing Cloud
Read the interview

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A quick guide to getting started with AI, for marketers
In the heart of today's tech-savvy world, artificial intelligence beats louder than ever.
Experts weigh in on merging AI with your marketing strategy in 2024
Four CEOs and a CTO share their top AI-laced-with-marketing predictions to steer us into 2024.
How two industry execs are approaching responsible AI
Transparency, accuracy, consent, and ownership are just a few key areas where guardrails need to be put in place in order to practice responsible AI.
What marketers need to know about funnels
…and it’s not what you think.
How generative AI will impact the communications industry
From how to think about the tools your team needs to easing tension around tech adoption, here’s what you need to know to build a MarTech stack that scales.
Generative AI use cases for marketers
Diving into five generative AI use cases marketers should implement today.
Code and Theory’s global CTO on creating synergy between creative and technology teams
Technical prowess in the age of digital transformation has become table stakes for agencies. Here’s how to cultivate a tech-forward creative culture.
What I learned about responsible AI from Google, Microsoft, and OpenAI
A look at responsible AI through the lens of the biggest players in the space.
An entrepreneur, Chief Brand Officer, and investor on the future of AI and AR in sports
AI and AR are revolutionizing the fan experience.
AI is the next quantum leap for marketers—but only if humans steer it
AI had endless marketing use cases, but it needs humans to really make it sing.
A CTO on what marketers should know about generative AI
From LLMs to data security, a CTO answers marketers’ questions about generative AI.

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